This lamp is special to me. Special because two things have been inspired by someone who has been important to me.

One of them is the pattern of the flower of life, which is a gold number concentrate of the Fibonacci sequence. The pattern show multiple rings that superimpose and interlace themselves. This powerful symbol can be seen in many cultures and religions. This symbolic pattern is in its beauty and child’s perfection the emblem of the perpetual renewal of life and contributes in particular to the re harmonization of the water’s structure.

The soft light which filters through this magical and mysterious pattern will fill in your space with a peaceful and regenerative energy.

Then, the material of this sacred pattern is also special. Made with waste of pineapple, the manufacturing of this vegan leather did not hurt or kill any animal.. This vegan leather is amazing, its texture imitate really well the animal leather. This great innovation has been made by PINATEX.

Finally, to support this shade light heavily rich with symbols, it was needed a wood as rare as it is beautiful. I chose the Zebrano, an exceptional type of wood from West Africa. Its streaks and its fudge color are also magical.